Gradient vs. Mix'n'Match ♥

Hello darlings!

How are you all? ♥

I've been out of the blogging - and everything online because I was sick pretty much all of the last week, having a sore throat and quite a high fever, so doing anything was a challenge. That means of course that I have a ton of things to do this week (supposing to be a break but truly it's not), especially with our school project which I feel super bad I have neglected. But now, with the new energy I'm sure I will get things done pretty efficiently, starting tonight.

For blogging, I figured a nice comeback would be a nail art post. Since I haven't done my nails in a week as well, it makes me feel better to actually see some creations I've done previously. Hope you like these as well. 

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So first up we have these gradient nails with animal print and some glitter placement. Pretty simple except for the glitter - because that takes time to work with.

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This wasn't one of my favorite manis, but I did like the colors and it was a good practice of techniques, so not at all a waste in that sense. I'm not saying there's much of anything wrong with these, just not so much my taste.

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The colors I used for this mani were China Glaze White On White, At Vase Value, For Audrey and Wait N Sea. The glitter is from Born Pretty Store as well as the studs, and the stamping was done with Konad plate if I remember correctly. (But if not, the plate was from Born Pretty Store as well.)

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The other one today is a combination of pink, black and silver, which I personally like a lot. 

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I was trying to do a neat little tape thing here with the chrome polish, but that didn't work as well as I thought. I definitely need to try that again so much that I finally nail it. However many takes I need for that.

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The colors I used here were China Glaze White On White, Escaping Reality, Meet Me Under The Stars and I'd Melt For You. The rhinestones are from Born Pretty Store as well as the tapes I was trying to use.

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So that's all I have for you today, I'm going to get some sleep now so that I can continue catching up my workload early in the morning. 

Let me know your thoughts about these creations in the comments below!

I'll be back with you as soon as I can - and this time it probably won't take a week or so. So stay tuned, I have loads of nice things in store for you!

Have a lovely day ♥


  1. Replies
    1. Kiitos, se on kieltämättä omastakin mielestä sievä :) ♥

  2. Both manicures are perfect. The colors you choose for them are all lovely. I am sorry to here that you had some health issues, but it counts that you're OK now!

    1. Thank you dear! I'm still a bit behind in many things due the sickness, but getting everything in control slowly :) ♥

  3. I hope you're feeling much better this week.
    Love these nails. The teal coloured ones are amazing.

    1. Thank you honey, I'm feeling better for sure! Not 100% healthy but getting better ♥

  4. I'm glad you feel better. I had the flu a few weeks ago & I couldn't move. It was horrible! However, I love your nails!

    1. Thank you, luckily you're better as well! I'm glad you like the nails ♥

  5. Love these nail color ideas. They're so unique!
    Fash Boulevard


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xoxo ♥

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