Glitter nail art, two ways

Heya lovelies!

How are you today? ♥

I woke up this morning to this HUGE noise by our buildings renovation (thank God we get to move out) at 7:55am. Not cool. I'm on a break, for heaven's sake! Well, the good thing is that I get to balance my sleeping schedule back to great after six months or so when it has been bad.

And as many of you always want to know what I'm up to and so on, I might as well tell that I went to see a school nurse yesterday for school stress and the insomnia it has cost me. She gave me a lot of great advice, and we also checked my blood values, and turns out I'm anemic on top of everything. So after an hour of crying at her office about how stressed I am, I got home with a small pile of papers to read, book recommendations and so on. And I must say, it feels good now.

So do not worry about me, because everything is fine. The school just seems like a lot to take right now, but I'm sure I can find a solution for that, too. And according to the nurse, moving to a new place and reorganizing my life will help significantly. And I'm sure she's right, a clean slate is exactly what I need now. Luckily I have a fiance who is such a rock for me, I don't know how I'd go through everything without him.

Sorry for burdening you all with my little worries, but somehow I felt like this was something I want to share. Anyways, to more happy things - like mentioned, the moving is coming closer and closer day by day, and I get more and more excited as time goes by. :) We have so many ideas for the new place, and luckily we have quite the same view on how to decorate the place. I guess it'll go like this: My fiance draws the main lines on how the big furniture goes, and I get to plan the place of most little details that make the personality of the apartment. ;) Can't wait to show you everything!

Okay, the post is getting way out of hand... Let's move on to the main point, which is once again manicures.


Very simple girly mani with a little leopard print and glitter accent nail. I seriously love that glitter polish, it's from China Glaze's United in Purpose collection. Look at the rainbow sparkle!



Also, excuse the weird thumb, it had a bad time when I had this mani on, but I didn't want to cut them all down.


So that's the first glitter manicure. Ready for another?

Great. Here we go!


This was a bit more earthly, with China Glaze Kalahari Kiss and Glitter Goblin. The glitter was once again impossible to shoot, the pictures don't give justice to the multi-color shine it has to it.


Lol, can you see the marks on my hand? I clearly had been writing on my calendar before taking the photos. I have no idea how I manage to mess up my hands every time, though. :D


This is an overall bad pic, but it shows kinda nicely the colors on the glitter. Btw, if there's a reader here who knows the best way to photograph glitter polish, please share the tips with me - and of course, with the other readers. Thank you! ♥


I don't know about you, but personally I just love the base - Kalahari Kiss - because it's such a pretty shade.  I really need to do a new mani with it very soon. ;)

So, I would love to hear what you think. Do you like these manicures? And what colors have you used for your nails lately? Share your thoughts in comments! ♥ 

Blog ya later,




  1. wow ihanat noi ensimmäiset kynnet! <3

  2. Hope you're feeling better! It's that time of the year when we're all so stressed: not long until the Christmas fun and relaxation now.
    Love the nails. The second set looks so amazing.

    1. Thank you, things are totally looking up already - it seems I just need to reorganize things a bit ♥

  3. thanks for your comment! let me know when you follow me and i'll follow back straight away :)

  4. Meidät on herättänyt tosi monena aamuna ihanan ihanat siivousintoilija naapurit, jotka paukuttaa sisäpihalla mattojaan, että varmasti kaikuu pauke joka kämppään :D Noh, onneksi ei ihan joka päivä. Mutta remppa-äänet on kyllä vielä pahempia, voi teitä.

    Voi kun kauniita manikyyrejä :) Tuosta toisesta tykkään erityisesti, ja glitterin eri sävyt erottuu kyllä mainiosti! Sulla on paaaaljon parempia kuvia kuin esimerkiksi mulla, hihi. ^^

    Indie by heart

    1. Koviin ääniin on eri namia herätä :D Kiitokset kovasti kehuista, lämmittivät mieltä kovasti! ♥

  5. I love both manis!
    I hope you are doing something with your stress and glad you saw the nurse.
    Your moving will totally help as the nurse has said I feel your worries, I travelled abroad in my Third year when things got out of hand for six good months just to work out my stress and the burden of school, but it will all worth it at the end.
    This coming from a fresh graduate who has been through it all with uni too.
    Take good care of yourself love.

    1. I'm glad to know someone has more or less been through the same I'm feeling now. I will probably have to find a solution like that, too ♥ Thank you so much for all the love ♥

  6. I love the pink ones so much!

  7. I love your manicures! I currently use OPI I Love You in glitter gray shades :) visit my blog if you don't mind!

    Missing Bee

    1. Thank you sweetie, I will check out your blog :) And OPI? Wow, that's so neat ♥


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xoxo ♥

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