Valentine's Day Nail Art

Heya lovelies!

How are you all? ♥

I'm almost done with my week at work, and totally ready to welcome the weekend I'm gonna spend with boys, playing video games, watching sports and having drinks. But tomorrow (well, technically, today) is Valentine's Day, and even if I know we're not gonna do anything too special, I'm still pretty excited because it gives me an excuse to dress up or girly and cute - hopefully photos will follow!

Today, however, I wanted to share couple of V-Day nail art ideas with you. First of these is my actual Valentine's Day mani, and the second one is something I made already last month - and had a problem editing the pics...

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So, my Valentine's Day mani this year is a little mix 'n' match mani with lots of pink and hearts. Again, I was trying new things, so I'm not 100% happy with it, but it's pretty nice anyways.

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And my thumb says "love". Cute.

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I'm sorry for the little mess the nails might have, but my top coat was running low and I can't get another one before the weekend, so... Yeah. Awkward, I know.

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Okay, so, with this one, I had huge problems with the light, so I couldn't quite get the shades right... But try to look a bit past that, okay? I'm so bad with photo editing that it's hard for me to get the colors right, but I tried filters - and probably failed completely. :D

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So this one, too, is a mix 'n' match mani, with gradient heart, a bow, triangle and glitter! I'm so, so sorry you can't see all it's cuteness here, like I said, the light was impossible to work with and I didn't have the chance to shoot the photos again. Boo.

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I will provide you with the instructions for the gradient heart later on, so if you're curious about that, just stay tuned!

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So, here are my little bits of inspiration for V-Day nails. I really hope you liked them, and tomorrow, I will be posting a little makeup haul for you to see (I'm super excited about that!).

What do you guys think about these? What will you wear on your nails on Valentine's Day? Comment below and let me know! 

Now it's time to go get some sleep so that I will be up early to get all the things done before the boys get here, so good night for those reading this before going to sleep!

Have a lovely day ♥


  1. Both manicure designs are lovely. I am not a big V Day fan, so today I have nacked nails.

    1. Well that's not a bad option either :) I love drawing heart things so this so pretty perfect for me, though :D ♥

  2. Gorgeous nails!! Happy Valentine doll!

    1. Thanks babe, hope you had a great one too! ♥

  3. These are perfect nails for Valentines Day. I love the sparkles and pink.

  4. Replies
    1. Kiitos paljon, on noita paljon tullut näpräiltyäkin :D ♥

  5. i love your themed manis and this is no exception ;)

    steph /

    1. Thank you Stephanie, I'll make sure to keep them coming! ♥

  6. Cute mani designs! The first one is my favourite!



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xoxo ♥

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