Comfort Zone ♥

Hey babes!

How are you all? ♥

I've been meaning to post this for many days now, but due to this thing called my unexpected life, I just didn't even my computer for few days.

Today, however, I just have few minutes before heading to work, so let's see this outfit out, shall we:

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Like the title suggests, this is all about my comfort zone, a.k.a. casual pieces in shades of black and gray. Everything about this look is pure love to me, and I'm so happy it starts to be warm enough for leather jackets out there!

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Leather jacket: H&M Jeans: Gina Tricot Shoes: Bag: Boohoo Beanie: DIY Bracelet: Europehouse Shirt: Cubus Necklace: Gina Tricot Rings: Gina Tricot,, H&M Earrings: Gina Tricot

So, a very simple look, totally casual and easy to wear, and all the elements are so comfy to me - on many levels. Like I've mentioned before, this kind of looks are my go-to outfits. Not very girly, but that's me.

What are your go-to looks like? And what do you think about mine? Let me know in the comments! ♥

Now, I must dash. But tomorrow, I will have another fun post for you for sure. ;)

Have a fabulous day! ♥


  1. Effortless chic) You look groovy and stylish, nice outfit:) Lovely snapshots as well!
    Have a fabulous time!

    1. Thank you Alexandra! I'm glad you liked it :) ♥

  2. I was always fascinated by all of your jewelry's, because each of them that you showed us until now, are fabulous. Great outfit!
    I wish you a great weekend!

    1. Aww, thank you dear! Accessorizing is sort of my "thing" to the point it's actually out of control (a.k.a. overdoing it) :D ♥

  3. I love this casual look. My go to look is identical, haha!! Dark jeans and a laid back top.


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xoxo ♥

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