Iron Man ♥

Heya babes!

How are you all? ♥

So it was a bit crazy day today. I was at school until 7 pm, and I still feel I haven't recovered. The Russian lecture was literally too much for my head today. Anyway, I figured I'd post this outfit which I personally loved a lot.

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Skirt: Primark Top: New Yorker Tights: Asos Sneakers: Boohoo Bag: Mango Jacket: secondhand Scarf: Gina Tricot Rings: Gina Tricot Earrings: Gina Tricot

So there you go, an outfit built around my Iron Man print skirt which I seriously love (and I can't wait for the Spring to properly use it again). I tried to create something with a bit of retro type of vibe to it, but it's totally up to you if I managed to do that.

Let me know your thoughts about this look in the comments below!

Now, I gotta go catch some sleep. I have 6:30 am wake up, so I shouldn't even be typing this late. But, what can you do if there's only so many hours in a day and you have so much to do... (And, I gotta get the old posts over and done with before the Halloween ones.) I'll see you guys soon!

Have a lovely day ♥


  1. Oh wow at the skirt. Seriously one of the coolest pieces I've ever seen.

    1. Thank you, I'm totally feeling the same about it. Can't wait for warmer days to wear it more. ♥


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xoxo ♥

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