Spikes vs. Stripes

Heya lovelies!

How are you all? ♥

It's getting super close to the weekend, which is very exciting, as we will be receiving guests from another town for a couple of days. We will be having nice adventures and I might just give myself a permission to leave my camera home and just take some random shots with my phone. I don't know.

But however, before weekend I still have this and one other post for you, so let's get that started, shall we?

Yet again, I have some nail art for you to see. (And if you rather see outfit post, just wait for tomorrow!)

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First up, a mix and match mani with mint, gold and leopard print, which I loved so, so much.

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I totally filled these nails with spikes, studs and such. I gotta admit, it was a lot of work but I think it was totally worth it.

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The nail polishes used here were China Glaze For Audrey, China Glaze Kalahari Kiss, Essie Licorice and MUA Cosmetics Mud Pie. The studs, spikes, gold pearls and black rhinestones are from Born Pretty Store, and the gold striping tape is probably from some Finnish nail art site but it's been forever since I purchased it that I don't really remember. But you can get that from Born Pretty Store or any other nail art site.

Remember, if you go and order from Born Pretty Store, you can freely use the discount code JVNT10
to get a 10% off your purchase at the checkout. (And no, I'm not getting money for mentioning that, they were just nice to give this code while collaborating with me.)

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The next one is not as colorful, but yet pretty. Lots of glitter and stripes, so this one is totally me (like the last one wasn't, haha).

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I was figuring that pink roses look nice with grey/silver, so that's how these were created.

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The polishes used were Ciaté Vintage, China Glaze Gossip Over Gimlets, Sally Hansen Sweetie Pie, pink and white nail art paints by Kiss, L'Oréal Color Riche Green Couture, and China Glaze Some Like It Haute. The matte top coat is Born Pretty Super Matte. The star studs and little rhinestones are from Born Pretty Store. I created the stripes with Nail Vinyls, which I will be talking about more when I've tried all the different ones I ordered. ;)

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So that's all I have for you today, tomorrow, I'll be posting an outfit post (and hopefully will have more those now that the spring is starting to inspire me better). Hopefully you all liked this one!

Which of these you like better? Would you like a tutorial for any of the elements you see on these manicures? Let me know in the comments! ♥

Now, I gotta go get sleep, but I'll be back tomorrow, so see you then!

Have a lovely day ♥


  1. The first one is super cool and the second one romantic, both are lovely so I can not choose just one favorite!
    Did you had problems with the spikes, did they bother you?

    1. Thank you so much! No, I didn't have any trouble with the spikes, although I have to admit they might easily get stuck on things. I just didn't have that, and they stuck on quite well for the first couple of days. But as they get worn, they do start falling off. I guess that could be prevented with gel or something. ♥

  2. Wow, amazing nail designs. *___*
    Lovely greets Nessa

  3. The grey and pink nails are so perfect - the two colours are a fantastic combination.

    1. Thank you so much, dear! I love that color combo too :) ♥

    2. Ihania kynsiä jälleen kerran! :) jääkö noi niitit helposti kiinni esim neuleisiin, hiuksiin yms?

  4. This looks really nice ,I love the combo,I have used chiba glaze before and they are good. Your nails are beautiful



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xoxo ♥

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