Not-so-desperate Housewife

Hello everybody,

I managed to get lot of pictures for the blog this weekend, and also got a lot of ideas for later. :) That means I can take tomorrow a bit easier since I have like three posts ready to write (and that, for me, is the easy part). Anyways, this is what I wore today. The name of the post is what it is because somehow this outfit reminded me of Bree van de Kamp from the show Desperate Housewives. I don't know why. :D








Shirt: saved from been thrown away by a family friend (about 5 sizes too big), headband: belongs to the shirt, I prefer it this way, skirt: H&M, pearl necklace: a gift from my mom(?), heart necklace: anniversary gift from my fiancé, boots: Kenkä Cosmos (= shoe cosmos), earrings: H&M.

I had never worn this shirt before, but it's been in my closet for a few years now, I think. Today, however, I felt I could pair it up with a high-waisted skirt. The shirt is a bit too short to wear with regular jeans or so, but this way it's good. Also, I'm not a big fan of dots in my clothes (I'm more stripe person) but somehow it didn't bother me too much this time. And the boots, I simply love them to bits!

I was a bit disappointed that I didn't get a good picture of the make-up, but I'll try to recreate it some day (maybe even in a form of a tutorial). '

Tomorrow, I'll post about something I made myself. I'm so proud that I got a decent piece of clothing done wothout any patterns, and I'm really wishing you guys will like it too! :)

But now, I must be off to bed!

Blog ya tomorrow,




  1. lovely boots girly!;) p.s. I entered a blogger contest and I really need you to 'like' my picture.. it only takes a second. And the contest only runs for a week! I'd really appreciated. here is an explanation:

  2. lovely post!

    I NEED YOUR HELP! I'm taking part in the bloggers wardrobe competition - please please please vote for me by liking:



    every like counts! please help me win this!

  3. I adore your shirt, very cute style :)

  4. Thank you dears, your comments make me happy :)


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