Pool With the Boys

Hey babes,

Happy Tuesday! ♥

I hope you've all had an amazing Easter weekend, and that you are full of energy for this brand new week. :)

I'm once again fighting a cold, but I guess that just means I need to start working out more to get my health back. ;) Today, I had two presentations at school - which I seriously don't enjoy - and they went all well. Now just two more days, including hard work and exam and all sorts of other things... And then weekend, again! Yay!

Anywho, I was going to share today photos of our Easter, but as it happens, I didn't have time to go through them yesterday, so you'll have to do with some older ones. These are from few weeks ago, when two of our friends were visiting, and along with other things, we went to play pool to our nearby pub. You know how I'm not sharing photos of my friends here usually, but today I shall make an exception with my boys. ;)

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Round one. My fiance vs our friend T.

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Round two. Me vs our friend J. (Yeah, we're representing like grown-ups, I know)

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Umm... Never mind the pose, okay?
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And guess who won? Me and T. And, the boys insisted we'd play a winners vs. losers round in teams, and again, me and T were unbeatable. ;) I totally rocked it, way better than I believed.

After the boys headed home, I wanted to finally take the outfit photos for the day. I wasn't wearing anything too fancy, but the outfit had nice things to it, so...

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Skirt: New Yorker Top: Gina Tricot Belt: Mango Leggings: SpiritStore Leather jacket: second hand Infinity scarf: Indiska Boots: KooKenkä Bracelets: Seppälä, H&M

A simple little outfit that helped me stay girly while hanging out with the boys. I fell in love with the skirt once I saw it in store, and I had to get it. It only cost 4,95 Euros, so it was a bargain for sure! :) Can't wait to pair it with corset tops and cropped tops in Summer.

But, since I don't have much more to say, I leave it to you: What do you think about this look? And how many of you like to play pool? ♥

Now, this girl needs to get ready for work, but I'll get back to you through an Easter post as soon as I can!

Have a great start for your week!




  1. Johanna, you look so cool! I can't play pool worth a lick. Hope you feel better soon and good luck with your exams.

    1. Thanks, I surprised myself with my skills, I thought I'd suck :D And thanks, I'm sure school will go okay ;) ♥

  2. Beautiful and fun post doll.
    You look cute and I hope you get better quick!

  3. Looks like so much fun. I love playing pool! Your skirt is so pretty too!

    1. Hey, we should totally go and play if we get to meet someday! :) ♥


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xoxo ♥

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