French Leopard vs. Feathers

Hey lovelies!

Happy Saturday! ♥

Today, I'm meeting up with a friend I haven't seen in a long time, and we're going to enjoy a night out with some drinks and great music. I'm still on the fence on what to wear, but surely I will figure that out soon. I hope. :D

Anyways, today I wanted to share a couple of manicures with you - if you happen to be sick of seeing my nails again, you can also click here to see my previous post, a day with me, or click here to see what I got in the mail this week. And, there's a little poll on the right-hand side of the blog, so please, take your time and let me know what is it that you'd like to see more in this blog in the near future to make it more interesting for you.

But, to the nail art:

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First mani today is a really simple French mani, topped with neon leopard print.

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The polishes I used for this were Essie Muchi Muchi, Essie Blanco, Essie Licorice and China Glaze Flip Flop Fantasy. First I painted the nails with the Muchi Muchi, then added white to the tips. After that was dry, I painted the leopard print - first the neon dots, then the black edges with a thin nail art brush.

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I personally really liked this manicure a lot, it was a tad more subtle than my usual animal print things. And yeah, sorry for spamming animal print again, I really need to try to figure out other things to paint as well :D

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The other one today is a little more detailed mani, girly one with some glitter on it. And who doesn't like the feather print?

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The colors used here were Essie Mint Candy Apple, Ciaté Angel Wings, and Kiss nail art pens in black and white. Also, I added extra glitter with China Glaze Fairy dust.

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To do these kind of nails, start off with painting your nails with desired color, one to three coats, depending on the polish you use. Then, if you want glitter here, add it before painting the feathers. Take the black nail art pen, and paint sort of thick line on each nail, with one end thinner than the other. After this, start creating the feather around it. Use tow or three colors to create more dimension, use only one if you like the silhouette kind of look more. If you'd like to learn how I paint the feathers, tell me so in the comments. ;)

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So, what do you guys think about these? And which one do you like the best? ♥

I really need to dash now, I have to put myself together before heading to town (still sitting on laptop, with messy hair and no makeup, lol.). But I'll be back soon, and meanwhile, let me know what you'd like to see more on the blog!

Have a fantastic weekend! ♥

Blog ya later,




  1. Oh wow, your nail art never fails to amaze me!
    Whilst I love the colour combination you used on the feathered design, the leopard print is, by far, my favourite - such a gorgeous twist on a classic! xx

    1. Aww, thanks gorgeous! Sometimes it's best to go the classic way, right? ♥

  2. They both look amazing. You always have the best nail art. Love the second design so much!

    1. Oh my gosh honey, you make me blush :D I hardly have the best nail art out there but thank you so much if you think so! ♥


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xoxo ♥