Our Christmas ♥

Hello lovelies!

I hope you're having a fun day today! ♥

So today was the first day of school this spring (though it's still winter outside), and I gotta say I got bit hyped already about what we have coming. I know it sounds probably silly to be excited abut school, but the project class I'm taking sounds so, so promising with it's subject. Later this spring, I will be sharing some stuff regarding that here, as some of you might be quite interested in it. At least that's what we're hoping for.

Anyways, this time I figured I would share pictures of our Christmas time with you. There's mostly just food and such, so if you're more into girly stuff, you better wait for the next one. See how our Christmas looked below:

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Happy in my H&M Christmas sweater. I'm so, so happy we got white Christmas, even though NYE was black and wet. But at least Christmas looked wonderfully traditional so I could totally get my mind off school things.

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And the nails I totally failed to photograph other than with the cell phone. FAIL. I was seriously feeling too good without my camera and laptop.

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And the beauty of Finnish winter on our way back home. See why I love snow?

So yeah, that pretty much sums up our quiet Christmas. We were spending it on my parents', and we saw some of our friends while we were there, which was pretty nice. Mostly I just enjoyed eating and getting to be free from most of the technology (excluding my phone, as I'm way too addicted to that).

This new year I have started with getting more organized at home - meaning that tomorrow, Saturday, I'm planning on getting up quite early, getting some essay reading done and starting writing the essay itself. And after that, running errands and getting some organization supplies, so that I can get my sewing and crafting stuff neatly organized once and for all. This year, I'm feeling I can finally get together my organizing skills both at home and in life, which feels like such a relief. And as usual, I'm yet again trying to declutter, because I still feel I have way too much unnecessary stuff in my life.

How has your year started so far? Let me know in the comments below!

Now, I'm going to have a little moment all to myself and watch some How I Met Your Mother reruns from the laptop. It's the perfect ending for the lovely ordinary day I've been having today.

Have a fantastic day ♥


  1. Oijoi tuleepa ihan ikävä joulua näitä kuvia katsomalla. Ihania tunnelmakuvia ♥

    1. Hihi, ihan sama juttu mulla! Mies sanoi että mun pitäis malttaa tiistaina luopua meidän valkoisesta muovikuusesta mut tiukkaa tulee tekemään ;) ♥

  2. Looks like you had such a lovely Christmas. The pictures look great. And your reindeer jumper is so cute.

    1. Thanks a lot honey, I hope you has a great one as well! ♥


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xoxo ♥

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