Halloween 2015: Pirate Costume

Hello lovelies!

How are you all this morning? ♥

I'm sorry for not posting a whole lot on the weekend, but life offline felt more important than sitting on a laptop. However, today I really need to line up posts for this week so that I can get the blog posts rolling more. (Still one Halloween look to go, then it's back to normal with the posts.) 

Today, I'm sharing a Halloween costume I've been wanting to do a long time now. A pirate. Inspired strongly by Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean, but done a bit more girly way. Maybe.

DSC01153 (Large)pirate (Large)DSC01172 (Large)DSC01157 (Large)pirateoutfit (Large)DSC01163 (Large)

This costume was put up with things I already had home: White loose blouse, a masculine vest, bit baggy pants, tall boots that can be folded a bit, scarf for tying the waist, black wristband, red scarf for the head, some rings, and a necklace with appropriate charms to add to the head. The black wig was a nice touch, but you can absolutely do this with your natural hair - because you don't actually have to do your hair much. The makeup is mostly eyeliner and a messy smokey eye with some sculpting for cheeks.

Easy, right?

What do you guys think about this look? Let me know in the comments!

Now, today will be different as I will be posting another costume in the evening. This will be an exception, but I want to get these out so that you'll all have the chance to go and get items if some of these maybe inspire you to create a look for the Halloween parties. So I'll see you in the evening!

Have a lovely start for your week ♥


  1. Oijoi tämä on siisti, tosi huikea! 8)

    1. Kiitos paljon, sain kerrankin päästää sisäisen Jack Sparrowni valloilleen ;D ♥

  2. Oi tosi kiva look! Toi tukka sopii sulle kyllä tosi hyvin :D <3

    1. Hihi, joo oon itekin fiilistelly tätä mustaa mutta en kyllä peruukkia kestävämpää sitoumusta tummiin hiuksiin hanki :D ♥

  3. niiice outfit !! :) and nice blog :)) visit my blog if you want :) choose your language and check the notes :) http://blueskyylar.blogspot.com

    1. Thank you Paulina! I'll pay yours a visit! ♥

  4. Love the outfit and the had band. This is a very nice costume!

    1. Thanks! It's only missing a proper hat and bit more piratey accessories :D But I used what I had and this is pretty good for that. ♥


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xoxo ♥

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