White On White ♥

Hello darlings!

How are you all doing today? ♥

Sorry for the unnecessarily long blogging break, but as we've been at the country in a way, and it's been rainy with thunder, I haven't really had the chance to blog and all. Anyway, I figured tonight it's finally time to get a new post out, and I promise there will be a new one up on Sunday night the latest.

Now, what's up with everything? My vacation has started well and all, even with the coeliac disease diagnose I got on Monday. So it's gluten free diet for me from now on, which feels like a challenge but I'm totally happy to do it because it makes my body stay healthier. So that's all the big news this time. If you want, I can write something about my lifestyle change later on when I really see what it does to me.

Today's post is about my simple birthday look from last month. We never really celebrated, because I had to work that night, but we did go to an early dinner that day. As you can see, this was way before my gluten free diet, so if you see strange things, not to worry - I'm not eating exactly like that anymore.

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We went to eat at Pancho Villa, which is a nice line of restaurants in Finland that make reasonably priced food with Mexican touch. I ordered chicken with chèvre cheese, fries and veggies. It was pretty tasty, I must say. My man had one of the burgers, and apparently it was good as well.

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And because it was my birthday, I drank one beer.

As it was just a casual day, I didn't have anything that amazing to wear, but I figured it was nice enough to share with you guys!

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Even with the lack of tan, I thought it was nice to wear all white outfit for the warm summer day that it was. I spiced the whole thing up with pink and rose gold, and just threw along a random bag that happened to have my stuff in it.

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Bracelets: Accessories, Gina Tricot, Seppälä Watch: Born Pretty Store Necklace: Gina Tricot

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Tee: Cubus Shorts: DIY Shoes: Skopunkten Bag: random shoe store Sunglasses: H&M

So, that's my casual birthday look for this year. Maybe next year, I will be able to have a bit more festive birthday and so on, but this was perfect for now.

Let me know what you think about the look! ♥

Tomorrow, we're heading to Kuopio Wine Festival with our friends, and I'm guessing it will create so many fun memories. Hang out with me via Twitter, Facebook or Instagram to keep up what we're doing. But nevertheless, see you all here on Sunday!

Also, happy 4th of July to all my friends in the US, hopefully the storms haven't been causing too much harm to you and your loved ones.

Have a great day, everyone ♥


  1. Such a lovely look. I love those summer shorts! And all that food looks delicious.

  2. Thank you so, so much! Those shorts are a definite favorite ;) ♥


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xoxo ♥

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